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Propagation House Spatial Design Studio

Oneiric Whole 3(Character).jpg

Archive XYZ

What is Archive XYZ?

Archive XYZ is the print, or mint on demand gallery space of Propagation House.
Everything found in the archive can be freely downloaded, requested for print in physical frame, minted on the blockchain - or all three.

Printing & pricing options are flat-rate standardized for all images on display:

Loose Prints:
8:12, 10:20 & 12:18 = $35USD

8:10, 8:12 = $89USD 



Aside from featured releases & notedly singular or limited edition works,

minting for digital collection is done on a name-your-price basis: anything goes.



A growing series of high-fidelity renders of the many House landmarks and locations, paired with real-time virtual photographs in shared, persistent virtual spaces across the wilds of the 3D web: forging a new direction for photography while asking challenging questions about our perceptions of both public space & "reality" itself: These spaces actually exist.

Generative Collections:

The private real-world photography archive of Propagation House founder, Michael Blackstone.

The Blackstone Collection:

Textures for the Soul:

Something you can feel but never touch.. architecture, sculptures, assets- textures are what give shapes a sense of character. They are a foundational aspect of spatial design. In our mission to merge realities- we are constantly scanning, generating & creating unique textural designs, all in-House... while these textures are generally meant to blend into the background, we feel many stand out & shine all on their own:

DALL·E 2024-03-18 11.50.46 - A photorealistic image of a dark stone textured sphere with a
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